
  • Amogh Kawle

    Marketing Analytics/Retail Analytics/Visualizations & Reporting
    600 /hr
    Highest Education - Graduation/Diploma
    G.D ambekar marg , parel, India - 10:31am local time
Hello Everyone, I am working as a Data Analyst/Scientist and have successfully completed many projects on Data Analyst/Science. Following are some of the scope of the project I worked on:

1- Data Visualization
2- Data Cleaning
3- Data Scraping/Extraction
4- Data Mining
5- Machine Learning
6- Data Modeling

Power BI, Embedded Power BI, Tableau, Google Data Studio, Google Analytics, Python, BeatufiSoup, Scrapy, Pandas, Matplotlib, Numpy, Sci-kit Learn, Machine Learning, MYSQL Workbench, SQL.

Tableau Specialization :
1. Tableau Author
2. Tableau Designer
3. Tableau Analyst
4. Tableau Data Scientist

What do I offer:

1- 100% satisfaction
2- 10 Days of free work After delivery
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